Schoolhouse Dog Training Classes

Check Out our Schoolhouse Dog Training Classes in Pittsburgh

Group classes in our East End School House are available at convenient times for you and your pup. Each program consists of six classes over the course of six weeks. We also provide rotating workshops including enrichment, cooperative care, and other topics of interest.

Puppy Manners Classes

Our Puppy Manners class aims to provide crucial socialization and foundational skills to help puppies learn that the world is an absolutely delightful place! Over the course of six weeks, you will work alongside your puppy to create positive associations to novel sights, sounds, and experiences, build confidence, teach them basic cues, and help them learn to play appropriately with others. With our open enrollment structure, you can sign your puppy up for class at any time because when it comes to giving puppies a stellar start in life, there’s no time to waste! The program consists of six sessions, after each of which you will be assigned homework to work on with your puppy between classes. Each graduate receives a certificate and a graduation photo!

Adult Manners Classes

Our Adult Manners program consists of six total sessions, each one designed to simulate a real life situation and teach the skills necessary to navigate them successfully. Over the course of six weeks you will work alongside your dog to learn skills that translate perfectly into your everyday life, including basic obedience like “sit”, “down”, and “leave it”, loose leash walking skills, and impulse control. You will be assigned homework after each class to help you practice these new skills at home. Each graduate receives a certificate and graduation photo! With our open enrollment class structure, you don’t have to wait. Get started when the timing is right for you by signing up online!

Schoolhouse Dog Training Intake Form

Merry Puppins School Logo

Get In Touch!

833- MRRY-PUP (833-677-9787)
We are excited to talk about your needs and learn about your pets! A phone call is the best way to get the intake process started. Once we talk, we can help set up an online account, and schedule you for a Meet and Greet so we can meet in person!

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